Saturday, September 7, 2013

First Grade Beginnings

We have had a great start in first grade! We are exploring new things and learning lots. I am so proud of how hard all of my first graders are working.

Over the last couple of weeks we have been learning routines, seeing what we remembered from Kindergarten, and getting comfortable in our new room.


Here we are learning how to work in our BUILD stations.

We got our Journeys books. We were so excited to do a picture walk with our table friends.

We have been doing such a great job building stamina while reading by ourselves. It's always easier to read when you are in a comfy place!

We also made a class contract so we know the rules and expectations for the whole year. We all thought of ideas and created the rules together! We made it permanent by signing our names and adding our own personal touch.

That is it for this post. We will be showing a lot more throughout the year. Don't forget to check out the parent page! That is where our weekly spelling lists, sight words, and important information will be. Also, I have posted a copy of all of our sight words we will be working hard on. If you would like flashcards or ideas for home let me know. Last, I will be sending home our first spelling list on Monday. (sight words and spelling words are different, so much to learn in first grade!) Thank you for being such great parents! I am lucky to have you and your child.

Until next time,
Ms. Johnson

* First graders: Did you read this with your parents and answer any questions about our classroom? If you did, write down your favorite thing to do in our room and bring it to school for TWO BULLDOG STICKERS! You are a rockstar.

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