Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Apple a day is always fun in first grade!

We had a great time learning about apples and at the apple orchard. Here is a snapshot of what we did!

We were very excited to get our very own APPLE pencils to work with this week!

 We were scientist and created our apple test journals.

 The best part, EATING THE APPLES! We got to taste green, red and yellow apples and decide which one we like the best!

 We made predictions of what apple our class liked the best.

 Our class tied and liked red and green the best!

This is us calculating our class results!

***Stay tuned for APPLE ORCHARD PICTURES :) I will put them on right here as soon as I get them!

In other news, we have been working very hard. We can't believe we have been in school for 40 days! Here are some pictures of us working, in no particular order.

Speed reading is one of our stations during DAILY 5.

We have been practicing our short vowel sounds and sorting words!

Thanks for all of your support,
Ms. Johnson